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국 문 명 PLC 시뮬레이션을 이용한 자동차 조립 라인 설계 
영 문 명 Design of A Vehicle Assembly Line Using PLC Simulation 
저 자 이창호, 왕지남, 박상철 
발행년도 2009 
발행정보 한국 CAD/CAM 학회 논문집, 제14권, 제 5호, 2009년 10월, pp.323-329 
Keyword Digital manufacturing, PLC Simulation, Verifcation 


Auto-makers can only remain competitive by producing high quality vechicles in an efficient way. In designing a production line, one of the most important objectives of digital manufacturing is to verify design errors as early as possible. In terms of the cost and time saving, it is very essential to start the construction of a production line with a proven design which is error-free. Likewise, this paper aims to implement PLC verification using an example. The verification in automobile manufacturing means verifying PLC program, which control automatic devices. In this paper, we built a virtual factory to implement PLC simulation and tintroduced verification procedure using PLC Studio. Finally, we can prove the availabiity for the PLC vericaiton